
Cash For Kids Coat Appeal

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Cove Rangers FC is happy to support the Northsound Cash For Kids Winter Coat Appeal, a project that helped more than 2,700 children across the north-east in 2021.

Given the cost of living crisis, and rising energy costs, more people are likely to face the agonising choice of ‘heating or eating’ this winter. The Appeal is doing what it can to help alleviate the despair felt by many.

It offers £50 Primark vouchers to disadvantaged families, allowing parents the opportunity to buy warm coats, or clothing generally, for their children, helping to ease the burden a little.

We have taken delivery of a stock of special branded cups which highlight the Appeal, and have a QR code which will allow supporters to make donations directly from their mobile phones.

These will be used in the McGinty’s kiosks around the stadium over the next few weeks.

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