
Dr David Fowler

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The club is saddened to learn of the death of our long-serving team doctor, David Fowler, who has passed away peacefully at the age of 65.

A hugely popular member of staff, David has been club doctor since Cove’s early days in the Highland League, and back then he travelled to all away matches as well as attending home games.

David cut back on his involvement due to family commitments for a time, but following his retiral as a GP, he threw himself back into the role, travelling the length and breadth of the country to be there for the players, covering the matches as well as nightly training sessions.

He did so, providing valuable support and expertise, until close to the end of last season.

Everyone at the club would like to pass on our thoughts and best wishes to David’s family, his wife Hazel and son Calum. The ‘Doc’ will be sadly missed by all of us Balmoral Stadium.

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