
SPFL Recognition For Duncan Little

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Our long-serving former club secretary, Duncan Little, was last night recognised by the SPFL for his more than three decades long service to Cove Rangers.

The SPFL chief executive, Neil Doncaster, made the trip north to present Duncan with a commemorative medal, and said it was an honour to do so:

“This is one of the more enjoyable parts of my job, and having spoken to many people about Duncan, they could not have been more complimentary about the work he has done for the club over many years. He was always a first class administrator, but more importantly, a wonderful man, and it has been an absolute pleasure to be here tonight to honour him in this way.”

Having started attending Cove matches when he was just a boy, it was inevitable that Duncan should become one of the first members of the social club when it opened back in 1984. He became involved officially two years later, doing a myriad of jobs behind the scenes, and was appointed secretary in 1991, a post he held until last summer. He is still a regular and very welcome visitor to Balmoral Stadium.

Duncan Little is, without question, ‘Mr Cove Rangers’ and were all delighted the SPFL acknowledged that with last night’s presentation.

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